Laurence Andries, Hollywood Producer Accused of Sexual Assault, Spent Decades as Camp Counselor

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More Sex Assault Victims Sought After Hollywood Producer Laurence Andries Charged With 6 Felonies

Mar 19, 2024

A well-known Hollywood producer who worked on a number of hit television shows such as Alias, Six Feet Under, How to Get Away With Murder, and Blue Bloods has been accused of sexual assault and faces six felony criminal charges.

Laurence Andries, 66, is accused of drugging and sexually assaulting a military veteran while unconscious.

Some of the sexual assault charges against Andries include:

  • Sodomy
  • Oral copulation
  • Penetration with anesthesia or a controlled substance

Sexual assault attorney Sam Dordulian of the Dordulian Law Group is representing the victim pro bono under Marcy’s Law. Dordulian said in a recent interview that the sex crimes committed by Andries “… turned his [the victim’s] life upside down.”

“We want to make sure there is an appropriate punishment for that,” attorney Sam Dordulian said.

In an interview with KTLA earlier this month, our client – identified only as John Doe – said Andries admitted the sexual assault.

“He didn’t admit that he drugged me but did admit the acts, the sexual acts mentioned in the complaint,” John said to reporter Sara Welch.

Our client also believes there are additional victims who were harmed by Andries but have yet to be identified. He encouraged them to come forward in the interview with KTLA.

They may be in the shadows, they may be ashamed to come forward because [they] don’t want to talk about this again.

In a separate interview with NewsNation, the victim stated that Andries served as a summer camp counselor for four decades at Camp Becket in Western Massachusetts. Given the felony sexual assault charges against Andries, his time as a camp counselor in Massachusetts raises concern regarding the potential for additional victims.

NewsNation reported that the camp did not respond to the media outlet’s request for comment following the interview with John Doe and Sam Dordulian.

John Doe noted that if victims are fearful of coming forward, their anonymity can be maintaned.

If you come forward, just know that you will be protected, your identity will be protected,” John said.

Together our voices can help to ensure that this can’t happen to anybody else,” he added to NewsNation.

Three-Year Plea Deal Being Considered in Producer Laurence Andries Sexual Assault Case

Due to the six felony sexual assault charges against him, Hollywood producer Laurence Andries could face several years in prison. However, as multiple media outlets have reported, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office is considering a three-year plea deal in the case.

But both the victim – John Doe – and attorney Sam Dordulian assert that a three-year sentence wouldn’t be an appropriate punishment for such a crime.

We are pushing for the maximum allowable sentence,” Dordulian said.

“[The victim] did all the right things… He acted very quickly. He got to a hospital. They were able to do a rape exam. And there was a lot of evidence.” Dordulian added in an interview with Fox 11.

Alleged sexual predator Laurence Andries is currently out on bail.

Any Sexual Assault Victims of Laurence Andries Asked to Come Forward

In early March, the nonprofit Crime Survivors Resource Center issued a press release identifying Andries as the suspect in a sexual assault of an unnamed military veteran – our client, John Doe. The victim, an aspiring writer, had met Andries in a writers program and told various media outlets he considered him a “mentor.”

I trusted everything about him. I felt I could trust him. I really did. But it was a friendship. I really thought we were friends,” John said to NewsNation.

Police as well as the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office are seeking any unidentified survivors who may have been sexually assaulted by Laurence Andries.

If you or someone you care about was a victim of Laurence Andries, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office urges you to come forward and contact the Deputy District Attorney in charge of the case – Catherine Mariano – by calling 213-257-2084.

Tips on a possible sex crime committed by Hollywood producer Laurence Andries may also be directed to the Los Angeles Police Department’s Detective Correa at 213-473-0447.

Coming Forward as a Sexual Assault Survivor Takes Courage but Can Also be Empowering

Sexual assault is traumatic, often leaving survivors with lifelong difficulties such as emotional harm, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and more. As Glendale, California, sexual assault attorney Sam Dordulian notes, while coming forward to report a sexual predator always takes a great amount of courage, it can also be empowering.

But by doing so, you as a survivor can take back the power – going “from victim to victor,” as Dordulian says in the following video.

If you’re a survivor of sexual assault, Dordulian Law Group is here to listen, to believe, and to provide the legal guidance you need. We’ll fight aggressively to ensure that your perpetrator is sued for maximum damages and you get the justice you deserve.

Contact a Dedicated Los Angeles-Area Sexual Assault Lawyer for a Free Consultation

Dordulian Law Group (DLG) is a nationally-recognized sexual assault firm founded by former sex crimes prosecutor and member of the National Leadership Council for RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), Sam Dordulian.

Dordulian and his SAJE Team (Sexual Assault Justice Experts) offer survivors a four-tiered group of support professionals available 24/7.

Our Sexual Assault Justice Experts are here to help survivors secure justice. Contact our top-rated attorneys online or by phone for a free consultation today.

We never charge an upfront fee for our sexual assault legal services – you pay nothing until after we’ve successfully secured a maximum financial damages award for your case.

Contact us today at 866-GO-SEE-SAM for a free and confidential consultation. Taking the first step towards securing justice against your sexual assault perpetrator begins by calling Sam and the DLG SAJE Team.


Samuel Dordulian

Samuel Dordulian, founder

Sam Dordulian is an award-winning sexual abuse lawyer with over 25 years' experience helping survivors secure justice. As a former sex crimes prosecutor and Deputy District Attorney for L.A. County, he secured life sentences against countless sexual predators. Mr. Dordulian currently serves on the National Leadership Council for RAINN.

Go See Sam