Martin D. Gould es un abogado litigante que representa a individuos y clases de víctimas en casos de muerte por negligencia, exposición tóxica, negligencia médica, accidentes automovilísticos y de camiones, accidentes de construcción y otros accidentes laborales, defectos de productos y casos de abuso sexual en todo el país.
Martin ha desempeñado un papel clave en la obtención de numerosos veredictos y acuerdos multimillonarios sin precedentes en nombre de clientes que han resultado perjudicados como resultado de una conducta ilícita. En 2017, Martin desempeñó un papel clave en la obtención de un veredicto de $44,7 millones en un juicio contra la ciudad de Chicago en un caso en el que un oficial de policía fuera de servicio disparó en la cabeza a un trabajador de la construcción dejándolo paralizado; este fue el veredicto más grande en Illinois y uno de los más grandes del país por un caso de mala conducta policial. En 2019, Martin y su equipo obtuvieron un veredicto de $21,337 millones en el juicio en nombre de la familia de una madre de cinco niños pequeños que murió en un accidente automovilístico. Más tarde ese mismo año, Martin desempeñó un papel clave en la obtención de un acuerdo de $ 12,35 millones al comienzo del juicio en nombre de la familia de una joven madre de tres hijos en un caso de negligencia médica; el acuerdo fue el más grande registrado en Illinois por un diagnóstico erróneo de un caso de cáncer de mama.
Además de obtener recuperaciones significativas para sus clientes, Martin acepta muchos casos en los que cree que puede cambiar las políticas o la ley para proteger a las generaciones futuras. En ese sentido, Martin ha representado y actualmente representa a decenas de sobrevivientes de violación y abuso sexual infantil en muchos de los casos de abuso de más alto perfil en el país. Algunos de esos casos incluyen reclamos contra los Boy Scouts of America, el Boys & Girls Club, la Universidad de Michigan (abuso que involucra al Dr. Robert Anderson), equipos deportivos profesionales, el patrimonio de Jeffrey Epstein, escuelas públicas y privadas, internados privados de élite. , orfanatos, programas de acogida temporal, hospitales, centros de salud mental, empresas Fortune 500 e innumerables instituciones religiosas y entidades relacionadas (que van desde la Iglesia Católica, las órdenes religiosas y la YMCA, hasta los Testigos de Jehová, la Iglesia Mormona y la Royal Rangers Youth Organización). Ha ayudado a arrojar luz sobre el abuso sistémico y los encubrimientos al mismo tiempo que aseguró millones de dólares en acuerdos en nombre de los sobrevivientes, incluido un acuerdo reciente de $2.1 millones en nombre de un niño de 7 años abusado por un consejero de campamento de la Iglesia. Al comprender el impacto duradero que el abuso infantil puede tener en alguien, Martin también se ha hecho cargo de casos de acoso escolar, asegurando un veredicto de $ 250,000 en un caso de acoso escolar en el condado de Woodford, Illinois, el veredicto de acoso escolar más grande jamás informado en Illinois.
Al ayudar a administrar una práctica de litigios por agravios masivos, Martin actualmente representa a cientos de personas cuyas casas fueron destruidas cuando, después de años de abandono, las represas de Edenville y Sanford cerca de Midland, Michigan fallaron, devastando la comunidad circundante. También representa a cientos de personas lesionadas por el consumo y/o exposición a productos nocivos, incluida la exposición a emisiones de óxido de etileno; exposición al herbicida RoundUp; talco para bebés de Johnson & Johnson; y las personas que tomaron el medicamento Zantac/ranitidina recetado y de venta libre, que fue retirado del mercado por la FDA debido a defectos en su diseño que podrían provocar cáncer.
Martin aparece regularmente en los medios para discutir casos, incluidas apariciones en Fox 32 y ABC 7 para hablar sobre la exposición tóxica que involucra a Sterigenics, entrevistas con Associated Press, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times y Chicago Daily Law Bulletin para hablar sobre el abuso del clero. demandas y acuerdos, y apariciones en Legal Broadcasting Network para discutir una demanda colectiva federal contra un municipio grande.
Actualmente, Martin ocupa posiciones de liderazgo dentro de numerosas organizaciones legales, incluido el servicio en la Junta Asesora de la Asociación Nacional de Abogados de Víctimas del Crimen (NCVBA), con membresía en el Comité de Abuso del Clero de la NCVBA y la Sección de Abuso Infantil. También forma parte de la Junta Junior de Child USA, la principal organización nacional sin fines de lucro que lucha por los derechos civiles de los niños, un sistema legal justo que permite a los sobrevivientes de abuso infantil buscar justicia en los tribunales. También ocupa puestos de liderazgo en la Asociación de Abogados Litigantes de Illinois y la Asociación de Abogados de Chicago (CBA), y se desempeñó como vicepresidente de YLS de la CBA y ex presidente del Comité de Litigios de Agravio.
Martin se graduó entre los mejores de su clase de la Facultad de Derecho de Chicago-Kent, cum laude, y fue miembro publicado de Chicago-Kent Law Review. Obtuvo su licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Northwestern, donde también fue miembro durante cuatro años del Northwestern Varsity Wrestling Team. El equipo ocupó el cuarto lugar en el segundo año de Martin de la NCAA en 2007.
J.D., Chicago-Kent College of Law, cum laude
- Revisión de Leyes de Chicago-Kent
- Asistente de enseñanza de redacción legal
- Premios CALI por recibir la calificación más alta de la clase por:
- Escritura legal I, I y III, evidencia de Illinois, litigio civil previo al juicio y conflictos de leyes
B.A., Political Science, Minor in Business Institutions, Northwestern University
- Northwestern Leadership Certificate Program
- Recipient of the Northwestern Alumni Association’s Scholastic Achievement Award (2009) for having the highest GPA on the Northwestern Varsity Wrestling Team
- Illinois Bar Journal, Obtaining Social Media Evidence Through Discovery, December 2017.
- Illinois Bar Journal, Social Media Evidence & Ethical Considerations, September 2017.
- Illinois Bar Journal, The Admissibility of Social Media Evidence in Illinois, January 2017.
- Decalogue Tablets, “Close to Home: Your Unfriendly, Neighborhood Carcingen” (Sterigenics-Ethylene Oxide Exposure Cases), Summer 2019.
- Trial Journal, “School Bullying Cases: Holding School Districts and Officials Accountable in Illinois,” Winter 2018.
- Decalogue Tablets, “Top 10 things Associates Should Know about Preparing for Trial,” February 2017.
- Chicago-Kent Law Review, The Conflict Between Forum-Selection Clauses and Consumer Protection Laws: Why Illinois Got It Right In Jane Doe v., Spring 2015.
- Decalogue Tablets, How Technology is Driving Much Needed Police Reforms, 2016 Fall Edition
- Decalogue Tablets, “Legality of President Trump ‘Sending in the Feds’ to Chicago,” February 2017.
- The New York Times, “How 2 Industries Stymied Justice for Young Lead Paint Victims,” Story by Ellen Grabler, March 29, 2022.
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, “12.35 million settlement for the estate of a 37-year-old woman who died after a late breast cancer diagnosis,” February 11, 2020.
- Gerst, Ellen, “[$4.5 Million] Settlement reached for Illinois trucker hit on I-80,” Casper Star Tribune (Wyoming), September 19, 2022.
- Chicago Tribune, “Archdiocese of Chicago reaches $2.1 million settlement in lawsuit claiming 7-year-old girl abused at church camp,” Story by Javonte Anderson, April 21, 2020.
- U.S. News & World Report, “Chicago Archdiocese Settles Suit in 2015 Abuse of 7-Year-Old,” Story by Associated Press team, April 21, 2020.
- Fox 32 Chicago, “Chicago Archdiocese to pay $1.75M settlement to woman who says she was abused by priest in 1980s,” Interview with Adam Zielinski, August 5, 2022.
- The Washington Post / AP, “Chicago Archdiocese settles sexual abuse suit for $880,000,” Interview with Don Babwin, June 23, 2021.
- Chicago Sun-Times, “$880K settlement in abuse case involving ex-Southwest Side priest,” Interview with Sam Keller, June 23, 2021.
- WSBT 22, “Local mother’s lawsuit claims lead paint gave son permanent brain damage,” Report by Max Lewis, November 3, 2020.
- Press Conference with South Bend Tribune and ABC 7, “Civil Lawsuit Details Lead Poisoning and Brain Damage of Chicago Toddler and Exposure to Pregnant Mother and Infant by HomeWorks Corporation in South Bend, Indiana,” November 2, 2020.
- Fox 32 Chicago, “Sterigenics Pollution Gets Attention of Illinois Lawmakers,” Interview on Morning News, February 21, 2019.
- Burr Ridge Patch, “Willowbrook Families Retain Law Firm After Report of Cancer Risk,” Press Conference with Andrea Earnest, September 1, 2018.
- ABC 7 Eyewitness News, “Willowbrook residents rally, demand gas-emitting company shut down,” Interview with Cate Cauguiran, August 31, 2018.
- Chicago Tribune, “$1.4 million settlement reached between Joliet Diocese, 3 men who allege priest sexually abused them in ’80s,” Interview with Matthew Walberg, August 30, 2018.
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, “$1.4M settlement in suit over Joliet priest abuse,” September 5, 2018.
- WGN News at 9 pm, “Jury awards family $250k after boy with autism beaten on school bus,” Interview with Tom Negovan, March 27, 2018.
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, Interview with David Thomas, “Bullied student wins $250,000 in damages,” March 28, 2018.
- WBEZ News, Interview with Chip Mitchell, “City Settles Suit in Incident That Put CPD Commander On Trial,” May 4, 2018.
- ABC 7 Eyewitness News at 10 p.m., Special Investigative Report with John Garcia, “Man Speaks Out After Finding Camera Hidden In Smoke Detector In Bucktown Apartment,” January 22, 2015.
- Legal Broadcasting Network Interview with Cecil Caulkins, “Lawsuit Challenges Chicago PD’s Stop and Frisk Policy; Attorney Martin Gould Explains,” April 29, 2015.
- RT America Live Interview with Anya Parampil, “ACLU Win Over Chicago Police Department’s ‘Stop & Frisk’ [Policies] is Start of Police Reform,” August 18, 2015.
- WGN News at 5 p.m., “Legality of President Trump ‘Sending in the Feds’ to Chicago,” Investigative Report with Ben Bradley, January 25, 2017.
- BuzzFeed News, Interview with Reporter Tyler Kingdale, “A 19-Year-Old Killed Herself, and the Family Says Her School Could’ve Saved Her,” February 4, 2017.
- The Chadron Record, Interview with Record Editor Kerri Rempp, “Parents hope [Title IX wrongful death] lawsuit [against University] helps others,” February 7, 2017.
- Chicago Sun-Times, Interview with Marni Pyke, “Despite Subpoena, Key Video Erased in Metra Station Beating,” November 19, 2017.
- NBC News (Channel 5), Interview with Dick Johnson, “Man Beaten, Pepper Sprayed by Metra Cops Gets $250K from Rail Agency,” December 12, 2017.
- Daily Herald, Interview with Marni Pyke, “Metra settles for $225,000 in beating case,” December 21, 2017.
- Named one of the The Best Lawyers in America© by U.S. News and World Report, 2023
- Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch, 2021-2023
- Rising Star by Illinois Super Lawyers®, 2016-2021
- Emerging Lawyer by Law Bulletin Publishing Company, 2017-2021
- Selected to “Top 40 Attorneys under 40” by The National Trial Lawyers, 2020, 2021
- Top 10 Motor Vehicle Accident Verdicts in Illinois in the year 2019, Carreon v. City of Chicago.
- Top 10 Verdicts in Illinois in the year 2017, LaPorta v. City of Chicago.
- Speaker, “Establishing Liability and Damages in Child Sexual Abuse cases,” National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVBA) Annual Conference (St. Louis, Missouri), October 8, 2022.
- Speaker, “Winning with Experts in Sexual Abuse Cases involving Children, Adults and the Elderly: PTSD, Repressed Memory, and Competency and Credibility issues,” Law 360 Damages Seminar: Go Big or Go Home (Las Vegas, Nevada), August 29, 2022.
- Speaker, “Civil Justice Seminar and Training for Crime Victim Advocates” (audience: prosecutors, law enforcement, social workers, victim assistance coordinators, and other professionals supporting survivors of crime and abuse), National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVBA), July 28, 2022.
- Moderator, “Litigating in the Age of Covid: the Expert Perspective on Medical Malpractice, Work Accident, and Mass Torts Cases,” Chicago Bar Association, March 24, 2021.
- Moderator, “Litigating the High Stakes Medical Malpractice Case,” Chicago Bar Association, March 12, 2020.
- Panelist, “Mid-Michigan Dam Failure Disaster: Legal Landscape,” Town Hall (Midland County, Michigan), June 4, 2020.
- Speaker, “Know Your Options Small Business Forum: Insurance Claims for Lost Revenue, Government Loans and Grants, and other Legal Options in the Face of Coronavirus,” City of Chicago (25th Ward), May 7, 2020.
- Speaker, “Know Your Options Small Business Webinar: Business Interruption Insurance Claims,” Chambers of Commerce for Evanston, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Morton Grove, and the Greater Wheeling Area (Illinois), May 28, 2020.
- Speaker, “Working Up the Hospital Apparent Agency Case: A Fight Worth Fighting,” Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA), February 21, 2020.
- Speaker, “The Basics of Motions to Dismiss,” Chicago Bar Association, September 28, 2022.
- Speaker, “An injured worker comes to your office. What do you do? Key pointers to litigating the Worker’s Comp Third-Party Crossover Case,” Chicago Bar Association, December 18, 2019.
- Moderator, Chicago’s “Top 40 Attorneys Under 40” Practice Tips, Chicago Bar Association, June 19, 2019.
- Speaker, “Key Takeaways from High-Speed Police Chase Verdict,” American Association for Justice (AAJ), June 5, 2019.
- Moderator, “Maximizing and Attacking Damages in Personal Injury Actions,” Chicago Bar Association, March 14, 2019.
- Speaker, “Medical Malpractice of Non-Employee Doctors: Establishing Agency for Hospital Liability,” CLE, Chicago Bar Association, May 29, 2018.
- AAJ 2015 Annual Convention, Created “Overcoming Juror Bias in Police Misconduct Cases” Presentation with Antonio M. Romanucci, Montreal, Canada, July 13, 2015.
- Speaker, “Introduction to Personal Injury Law,” Chicago-Kent College of Law, October 20, 2015.
- Speaker, Using Digital Evidence at Trial, Illinois State Bar Association, March 11, 2020.
- Speaker, “Dr. Martin Luther King Forum: Civil Rights and the Chicago Police Department,” A Professional Responsibilities CLE Event, Chicago-Kent College of Law, January 21, 2016.
- Speaker, “Evaluating Bullying/Hazing and Police Misconduct Cases,” A Litigation CLE, Romanucci & Blandin, LLC, February 21, 2017.
- Speaker, “Section 1983: Litigating and Vetting Police Misconduct Cases,” CLE, Chicago Bar Association, February 23, 2017.
- Speaker, “Use of Social Media Evidence in Civil and Criminal cases,” CLE, Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission (ARDC), May 3, 2017.
- Speaker, “Obtaining and Using Social Media Evidence at Trial,” Continuing Legal Education, Illinois State Bar Association, November 17, 2017.
- Speaker, “Anatomy of a $44.7 Million Police Misconduct Verdict,” NPAP – National Lawyers Guild, January 11, 2018.
- Contributor, “Legal Aspects of Malaysia Flight 370,” Chicago Bar Association, April 17, 2014.
- Moderator, “U.S. Senator Dick Durbin: The Justice in Policing Act of 2020,” Chicago Bar Association, July 17, 2020.
- Moderator, “Resolutions to Reform the Chicago Police Department: the Differences Between CPAC and GAPA,” Chicago Bar Association, September 8, 2020.
- National Crime Victims Bar Association (NCVBA)
- Advisory Board Member, October 2022-Present
- Clergy Abuse Committee, November 2020-Present
- Child Sexual Abuse Section, November 2020-Present
- Young Lawyer’s Council, November 2020-Present
- Chicago Bar Association (CBA)
- Chair of Torts Litigation Committee, June 2017- Present
- Second Vice Chair, YLS, June 2021 – Present
- Members Services Manager, YLS, June 2020 – June 2021
- Project Coordinator, YLS, June 2018 – June 2020
- Legislative Liaison, October 2017-June 2018
- Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA)
- Chair of Young Lawyers Division, June 2018 – Present
- Board Member of Young Lawyers Division, June 2015-June 2018
- Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA)
- Civil Practice & Procedure Section Council, 2020-2021
- American Association for Justice (AAJ)
- Sexual Abuse Litigation Group, 2021-Present
- Professional Negligence Section, 2020-Present
- Decalogue Society of Lawyers
- Board of Managers, June 2016-Present
- Co-Chair of Young Lawyers Division, 2015-2021
- Chicago Kent College of Law
- Board Member of Young Alumni Board, 2015-2020
- American Association for Justice (AAJ)
- Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA)
- Chicago Bar Association (CBA)
- National Crime Victims Bar Association (NCVBA)
- Child USA
- Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA)
- Chicago-Kent Young Alumni Council
- Advocates Society
- Decalogue Society of Lawyers
- JUF, Young Lawyer’s Division
- Public Justice (PJ)
- Illinois
- Northern District of Illinois
- Central District of Illinois
- Eastern District of Wisconsin
- Pro Hac Vice, New York
- Pro Hac Vice, Florida
- Pro Hac Vice, Indiana
- Pro Hac Vice, Michigan
- Pro Hac Vice, Missouri
- Pro Hac Vice, Arizona
- Pro Hac Vice, Northern District of New York
- Pro Hac Vice, Middle District of Florida
- Pro Hac Vice, Western District of Louisiana
- Pro Hac Vice, Northern District of New Jersey
- Pro Hac Vice, District Court of Utah
- Pro Hac Vice, District Court of Minnesota
- Pro Hac Vice, Northern District of Indiana
- Pro Hac Vice, District of Nebraska
- Pro Hac Vice, District of Wyoming
- Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
LaPorta v. City of Chicago
Construction worker shot in the head causing paralysis
Verdict: $44.7 million*
*Largest verdict in Illinois for a police misconduct case
Carreon v. City of Chicago
Mother of five children killed in car accident
Verdict: $21.337 million
Client v. Chicago-Area Hospital, Radiologists, Breast Surgeon and OBGYN
Breast cancer misdiagnosis spanning two years
Settlement: $12.35 million*
*Largest medical malpractice settlement ever reported in Illinois for a misdiagnosis of breast cancer case
Client v. Chicago-Area Hospital and Neurosurgeon
Medical malpractice settlement involving failure to properly treat cauda equina syndrome resulting in partial paralysis
Settlement: $2.875 million
Jane Doe v. Archdiocese of Chicago
Lead counsel
Clergy abuse
Settlement: $2.1 million
Jane Doe v. GPT
Two girls abused by school bus driver
Settlement: $2 million
Wdziekonski v. S Saft & Company
Motor vehicle accident case in Florida
Settlement: $1.75 million
John Doe v. Diocese of Joliet
Lead counsel
Clergy abuse
Settlement: $1.4 million
John Doe v. Private U.S. Boarding School
Lead counsel
Sexual abuse by teacher
Settlement: $1.2 million*
*One of the largest settlements reported involving male victim and female perpetrator
Barker v. Restrepo and Ruiz
Client fell through plexiglass ceiling on rooftop
Settlement: $1.175 million
Estate of John Brown v. Walworth County, et. al.
Police shot and killed teenager locked in his room
Settlement: $1.1 million
Estate of Norton v. Roosevelt City, et. al.
Settlement: Confidential
Larios v. Chadron State College
Co-Lead counsel
Title IX case involving wrongful death of student who committed suicide on campus where school failed respond to ongoing verbal and physical abuse by boyfriend in the dorms
Settlement: $900,000
John Doe A and B v. Archdiocese of Chicago (St. Bede’s the Venerable parish)
Lead counsel
Clergy abuse where two altar boys fondled by priest
Settlement: $880,000
Client v. Bus Company and Abuser
Lead counsel
75 year old client with Alzheimer’s sexually abused by bus driver
Settlement: $865,000
John Doe v. Archdiocese of Chicago (Mt. Carmel High School)
Lead counsel
Clergy abuse where client fondled by priest
Settlement: $330,000
Kessler v. Walker (Indiana)
Lead counsel
Settlement: $300,000 (vehicle full policy limits)
Liggett v. El-Paso Gridley Community School District, et. al.
Lead counsel
Verdict: $250,000*
*Largest verdict reported in Illinois for a school bullying case
Mack v. Metra, et. al.
Lead counsel
Settlement: $225,000