DLG Secures $675,000 AB 218 Sexual Abuse Settlement for Survivor

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DLG Secures $675,000 AB 218 Sexual Abuse Settlement for Survivor

Oct 19, 2021

Dordulian Law Group (DLG) recently secured a $675,000 settlement for a sexual abuse survivor under California’s AB 218 legislation. Since its passage, AB 218, which includes a three-year lookback window clause allowing any survivor of childhood sexual abuse to file a civil claim in pursuit of financial compensation through the end of 2022, has allowed countless survivors the opportunity to obtain justice.

Our client, a woman survivor whose name must remain confidential under the terms of the settlement, was sexually abused in 1984. The perpetrator was a well-respected local professional who victimized her as a child. The $675,000 settlement comes nearly 40 years after the crime occurred under AB 218’s three-year lookback window.

Our client did not wish to undergo the rigors of litigation, preferring instead for the quickest possible settlement. The $675K in this particular instance was actually obtained by attorney Sam Dordulian before any lawsuit had even been filed, and the entire process from start to finish took less than two months. Had we proceeded with litigation or even to trial, we are confident that we would have been able to recover significantly greater compensation. Given our client’s wishes, however, we of course proceeded accordingly and were happy to obtain the award on her behalf.

In the end, she preferred to secure the quickest possible settlement and remain anonymous rather than the largest possible settlement which could have involved courtroom proceedings.

Following the settlement, DLG’s founder and president, Sam Dordulian, called the victory a “true example of justice” despite the crime occurring decades ago.

“Despite years of waiting, this is a case where a survivor of sexual abuse was finally able to secure justice and recover the financial compensation that will allow her to move forward on her own terms,” Dordulian said.

What is California AB 218?

California Assembly Bill 218 (AB 218) was passed in September of 2019 and officially became law on January 1, 2020. AB 218 offers survivors of childhood sexual abuse an unprecedented opportunity at obtaining justice through civil lawsuits against perpetrators in pursuit of financial compensation.

Regardless of when your childhood sexual abuse or assault crime occurred, all survivors are now eligible to file civil lawsuits under AB 218. However, the bill’s three-year lookback window clause (also known as a revival window in various other states) expires at the end of 2022. Accordingly, DLG strongly encourages any survivor of childhood sexual abuse wishing to obtain justice to come forward as soon as possible and file a claim. Failing to do so before the December 31, 2022 deadline will likely result in an inability to pursue any further legal recourse (particularly for cases that occurred several years ago) as the standard statute of limitations will resume on January 1, 2023.

AB 218 officially pauses (tolls) the statute of limitations on childhood sex crimes through the end of 2022, allowing survivors an opportunity to recover maximum financial compensation. If you have a childhood sex crime claim, contact the experienced and trusted attorneys at DLG today for a free consultation at 866-GO-SEE-SAM.

In addition to the three-year lookback window clause, AB 218 includes a treble damages clause that provides the courts with latitude to award three-times the amount of a final settlement of verdict when a cover-up is proven. The treble (triple) damages clause would theoretically increase a $1 million settlement or verdict to $3 million in instances where a cover-up is proven.

DLG pursues treble damages in all applicable childhood sexual abuse cases. For additional information on AB 218, please visit our recent in-depth blog.

How Can I File an AB 218 Lawsuit?

To file an AB 218 lawsuit seeking maximum financial compensation, contact an experienced and trusted lawyer at DLG today for a free and no obligation consultation. We’ve helped countless survivors secure justice through the new AB 218 legislation, and we’re here to fight as your dedicated legal advocates.

By filing a claim, we will seek to recover a maximum damages award for various types of losses, such as:

  • Psychological trauma
  • Emotional harm
  • Pain and suffering
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Past and future medical bills
  • Past and future counseling or therapy
  • Reduced capacity to earn a living
  • Punitive damages (which are not capped in California)
  • At DLG, we’ll fight aggressively on your behalf to secure every available type of damages applicable to your case. We never settle for less than maximum financial compensation and prepare every case for trial.

    California’s Leading Sexual Abuse Lawyers

    Founded by former sex crimes prosecutor and Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles County, Sam Dordulian, DLG is the nation’s leading sexual abuse firm helping survivors obtain the justice they deserve. We will fight to secure justice quickly and recover maximum financial compensation on your behalf.

    When Dordulian founded DLG, his goal was to create the elite, top-rated, and premier sex crimes firm offering survivors of sexual abuse a unique and all-encompassing form of representation and support that features added advantages.

    Accordingly, Dordulian comprised a hand-picked team of professionals (each one offering a unique resource or specialty) known as the DLG SAJE Team (Sexual Abuse Justice Experts).

    DLG’s SAJE Team is available 24/7 to survivors as a four-tiered support network:

  • Litigation Lead: Sam Dordulian, former sex crimes prosecutor and Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles County with over 100 jury trial victories and 25 years of experience
  • Investigative Lead: Moses Castillo, in-house Chief Investigator and retired LAPD sex crimes detective in the elite Abused Child Unit with over 30 years of experience
  • Mental Health Lead: In-house licensed clinical therapist with over 15 years of experience specifically assisting sexual assault survivors
  • Advocate Leads: Two licensed and nationally accredited victim advocates who have devoted their lives to helping sexual assault survivors
  • In addition to our unique and all-encompassing SAJE Team, DLG provides survivors with the utmost respect, discretion, professionalism, and dedication. We know how difficult it can be to come forward and report a sexual abuse incident, and we’re here to listen, to believe, and to support survivors in their pursuit of justice.

    Our Sexual Assault Justice Experts are here to help survivors secure justice. Contact our top-rated attorneys online or by phone for a free consultation today.

    Our unparalleled experience and proven results are why childhood sex crime survivors throughout the nation consistently choose DLG to handle their claims, obtain justice, and recover maximum financial compensation on their behalf:

  • More than $100,000,000 recovered in settlements and verdicts
  • A 98% success record
  • More than 100 jury trial victories
  • Former sex crimes prosecutor
  • Former Deputy District Attorney for L.A. County
  • In-house Chief Investigator/retired LAPD detective
  • More than 25 years of sex crimes experience
  • Contact us today for a free and no obligation consultation to discuss your child sexual abuse case at 866-GO-SEE-SAM. DLG and Sam Dordulian have successfully helped countless survivors recover maximum financial damages awards and obtain the justice they deserve on their own terms – including claims against the Boy Scouts of America and Catholic Church.

    DLG accepts every case on a contingency fee agreement, which means you never have to worry about upfront costs or out-of-pocket expenses when securing the very best legal representation available. Our No Win/No Fee Guarantee means you don’t pay a penny until we recover maximum financial compensation for your sexual abuse claim.

    Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you secure the justice you deserve through a childhood sexual abuse civil lawsuit.

    AB 218 Child Sex Abuse Revival Window Deadline

    California AB 218, the landmark legislation which took effect in 2020, allows ALL survivors of childhood sexual abuse the opportunity to file a civil claim and obtain justice through financial compensation — regardless of how long ago the crime occurred. But AB 218’s three-year loopback window officially expires at the end of 2022, and survivors who haven’t filed a claim before that time will likely left without any future legal recourse. To speak with a child sexual abuse lawyer, contact us today at 818-322-4056.


    Samuel Dordulian

    Samuel Dordulian, founder

    Sam Dordulian is an award-winning sexual abuse lawyer with over 25 years' experience helping survivors secure justice. As a former sex crimes prosecutor and Deputy District Attorney for L.A. County, he secured life sentences against countless sexual predators. Mr. Dordulian currently serves on the National Leadership Council for RAINN.

    Go See Sam