Too often, our firm hears about incidents of child abuse that take place in school, at a place of worship, or in a family member’s home. If you have reason to believe that a child you know or are related to has been abused, the first step is to report the abuse. This can be done by contacting the Child and Family Services branch closest to your location, or simply by getting in touch with law enforcement if you feel comfortable doing so. Reporting child abuse can be a scary decision, especially if you’re not 100% sure that abuse occurred. However, if you suspect it has, you owe it to that child (as well as other potential future victims) to report what you have seen or heard.
Once the abuse has been reported, consider contacting Dordulian Law Group for a confidential, no-pressure consultation concerning your legal options. Retaining our firm to serve as child abuse lawyers can help the abused child secure high-quality therapy from our staff clinical therapist. Additionally, we will fight relentlessly to secure that child financial compensation for the suffering they’ve been through. And while receiving monetary damages can never take away the impact of what they’ve experienced, it can at least set them up for a brighter future and a bit of a boost in life moving forward.
We take our obligation as child abuse attorneys incredibly seriously. With years of experience, we understand how to offer not just effective legal representation, but a path to healing for the abused. Our therapy-first approach has provided critical relief for victims who had nowhere else to turn, and no financial means to seek mental health treatment. At Dordulian Law Group, we pride ourselves in creating a safe, comfortable, and discreet place where you can be assured that victims are always believed and treated with compassion.
The attorneys at Dordulian Law are well-versed in California’s child abuse laws, and will advocate for child victims with every fiber of their being. This is a cause that we are truly passionate about, and we won’t rest until we’re able to gain some measure of justice for child victims from all walks of life.
Spanish version: Abogados de abuso de menores en Los Ángeles
Client Review
“I wanted to give a review to the law firm, they work very different from other offices, they tell you everything as they know about your case not giving you false hope! They also keep you updated throughout the process from the beginning and the end. Rafi was very professional and on point, he always handled everything excellent and went above and beyond!”
Raul U.
Do you have a case? Let's find out.
We believe every abused child deserves a fair shot at securing compensation for what they’ve gone through. That’s why we do not charge any up-front attorney fees for child abuse cases. Dordulian Law Group will work your case on a contingency basis, meaning we only get paid if we are able to secure a financial settlement for the child as a result of litigation and/or negotiations.